The benefits of a Sleep Coach vs books or websites.

I often get asked what, as a Sleep Coach, I offer versus the numerous infant sleep books and websites out there. This is a really good question. There are so many sleep books on the market, each offering advice and help for a small cost. Even better (or so it seems), there are numerous websites that are easily searchable, and free, providing similar advice and techniques to improve the sleep of your little one. So, it’s a totally valid question – why would you bother enlisting and investing in the help of a Sleep Coach when there is already free and easily accessible advice out there?! As such, in this blog I’m going to take you through the numerous benefits of hiring a Sleep Coach, like me, rather than simply using books and websites. 

  1. Provides you with a bespoke Sleep Plan:

A good Sleep Coach will write a bespoke, tailored, Sleep Plan for every family they work with. This ensures that the plan received closely aligns with the family’s parenting and lifestyle, as well as the child’s temperament and sleep needs. 

Books and websites will give you generic advice. However, it won’t necessarily be the right advice for you and your child. I do a deep analysis of each child and family I work with, investigating a number of different factors, before writing my plan. This ensures that the technique recommended is the most gentle and suitable approach for your little one. It also means that results can be seen in the quickest time possible. 

  1. Can pivot if things don’t go to plan:

As with anything in life, things don’t always go to plan. So what happens if the advice offered by a particular book or website doesn’t work, or your little one doesn’t respond as they’re ‘meant to’? I am skeptical of Sleep Coaches who offer one-off consultations and then leave you to your own devices. I believe one of the real benefits of a Sleep Coach is the ongoing support you receive after the consultation. So, if something doesn’t go ‘to plan’, we can pivot and change to ensure results are seen. Flexibility is key when it comes to children and their sleep. After all, they are not robots!

All of my packages provide support after the consultation – whether that’s 2 or 4 weeks. This means that I’m there to make changes if and when required. 

  1. Gives emotional as well as practical support: 

The real benefit of a coach is not simply in the functional plan provided, but in the emotional support you receive after the consultation. Anything to do with your precious little one is emotionally charged. Especially so when it comes to their (and your) sleep. Sleep has such an impact on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

I believe the support I provide after the consultation is where much of my value lies. It is absolutely key. I am here to listen and empathise. And, having had first-hand experience of sleep deprivation, I really do understand your pain! Yes, books and websites can give you the advice, but they can’t offer the human touch and connection.

  1. Gets you in the right mindset:

One of my main roles as a coach is to get my clients in the right mindset for the sleep training journey. This journey is not an easy or straightforward one – it is a little bit of a rollercoaster ride! I’m here to get you in the right mindset for this journey to ensure you are as successful as possible. Consistency is absolutely key, so I’m there to keep my clients on track. Books and websites can definitely brief you on this, but can’t hold you accountable like a coach can. 

  1. Is trustworthy:

Working with a fully-qualified Sleep Coach brings a level of trust – certainly vs a website (who knows who wrote the article?!). You can trust that they have been trained in the science of sleep, as well as the pros and cons of various sleep training techniques, and have the experience of working with an array of families. 

The clients I work with appreciate the knowledge and experience I have gathered from both my qualification and working 1:1 with a wide range of families and case types. 

Overall, a good Sleep Coach provides a higher level of advice and support to you and your little one vs sleep books and websites. We go beyond simply delivering practical advice, offering emotional support too. We are your cheerleader, your mentor, your ally.

If you would like to know more about how I could support you and your little one, set up a free Discovery Call with me. I’d love to meet you.