Baby & Child Sleep Coach

My Story. 

I’m Emma – mum of two energetic boys, military wife, and Certified Sleep Consultant. 

Perhaps like many parents, I approached sleep with my first son quite naively – assuming he would sleep when he needed to sleep, and eventually (and hopefully quite quickly) would be sleeping through the night. As with so many babies, this was not the case – and not only would he refuse to nap during the day, I was up most of the night for hours on end.

Ultimately, this had a detrimental effect on both my physical and mental health. I was physically drained, but also found myself feeling down, hopeless and depressed. I wasn’t being the mum I so desperately wanted (and expected) to be.

I struggled on for years (yes, years), trying the ‘Do It Yourself’ approach – reading countless sleep books and scrolling through endless Google articles (often in the wee hours of the morning). It was only when my eldest started school that he started sleeping well at night. So, when my youngest arrived, I was determined to not let the same thing happen again.

I enlisted the help of a Sleep Coach when he was 5 months, and the effects were truly life changing. After a couple of weeks of consistent, gentle, sleep training, my little one was napping well in the day, and sleeping solidly at night. The relief was incredible, and I saw the positive effects a good night’s sleep had on both my physical and also, equally important, my mental health. 

This experience left me with a passion to help other families in a similar position to me – ensuring they get the rest required in order to have happy children and happy parents. As such, I left my role in Talent Development (coaching on an entirely different subject – qualitative research), and trained as a Sleep Consultant with the Sleep Nanny Academy. Since then, I have never looked back, and spring out of bed every morning excited to give families the confidence, skills and knowledge to achieve the sleep they need. 

If your little one isn’t sleeping well, you can be sure that using my bespoke, gentle, techniques, we will be able to turn things around. So get in touch with me today to start your sleep transformation journey!